Against the backdrop of the rapidly evolving Covid-19 Pandemic the launch was moved from a full day programme at Bournemouth University to an on-line event. Attendees were still able to hear many of the key presentations planned for the day including those that outlined the project aims, explained what Dorset's councils are doing to address the crisis, and considered perspectives from sustainability experts, campaigners and academics.
Many of the presentations are available below and some of those planned, but not delivered on the day, will be covered at future events. You can check if any are currently planned here and sign up to receive information here.
Aims of Zero Carbon Dorset
• To assess the current level of emissions across Dorset County, identify and collate the changes required to achieve a net zero emissions scenario by 2030 and track progress towards this goal.
• To document what must be achieved; acknowledging that the two local councils cannot make these changes themselves, that the sum of actions by individuals alone will be insufficient within the required timescales and that there will be significant reliance on wider Government policies.
• To set out a clear framework, leverage existing actions and studies, and seek to engage the wider community (civic and civil society, the public sector, businesses, community groups and campaigners) to ensure there is a clear understanding of the scale of the problem and the options and opportunities to address each issue.
• Not to exist in isolation of the many other activities already planned or underway across the area to address the climate crisis, but seek to fully understand each of these and their contribution in getting us to net zero; communicating this to the wider public.
Launch Event Presentations
Presentations can be accessed by downloading the individual files below. Please use the back arrow in your browser to return to this page after viewing.
Many of the presentations are available below and some of those planned, but not delivered on the day, will be covered at future events. You can check if any are currently planned here and sign up to receive information here.
Aims of Zero Carbon Dorset
• To assess the current level of emissions across Dorset County, identify and collate the changes required to achieve a net zero emissions scenario by 2030 and track progress towards this goal.
• To document what must be achieved; acknowledging that the two local councils cannot make these changes themselves, that the sum of actions by individuals alone will be insufficient within the required timescales and that there will be significant reliance on wider Government policies.
• To set out a clear framework, leverage existing actions and studies, and seek to engage the wider community (civic and civil society, the public sector, businesses, community groups and campaigners) to ensure there is a clear understanding of the scale of the problem and the options and opportunities to address each issue.
• Not to exist in isolation of the many other activities already planned or underway across the area to address the climate crisis, but seek to fully understand each of these and their contribution in getting us to net zero; communicating this to the wider public.
Launch Event Presentations
Presentations can be accessed by downloading the individual files below. Please use the back arrow in your browser to return to this page after viewing.
![]() Zero Carbon Dorset
This presentaton outlines the background to Zero Carbon Dorset, sets out the approach to be taken and the proposed next steps (which were shared at the end of the event). It also incudes the Agenda followed on the day. Presenter: Mark Chivers Co-founder and Project Lead - Zero Carbon Dorset |
![]() Addressing the climate emergency in our Councils - Bournmemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council
Having declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in July, 2019 this presentation outlines the actions taken to date and the next steps in developing and implementing the plan to achieve carbon neutrality for Council emissions by 2030. Presenter: Councillor Dr Felicity Rice - Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change |
![]() Addressing the climate emergency in our Councils - Dorset Council
Having declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in May, 2019 this presentation outlines the approach taken in Dorset Council, looking at the data for the area and providing an overview of the processes put in place to tackle the climate emergency. Presenter: Anthony Littlechild - Sustainability Team Manager |
![]() Addressing the climate emergency – facing up to the science
Setting out the stark reality of the climate and ecological emergency this presentation sets out why our Councils and those of us who work and live in the area need to take urgent and dramatic actions and why we need some 'cathedral thinking' Presenter: Martin Price - East Dorset Friends of the Earth |

Policies to prevent environmental breakdown
As well as considering the scale of the crisis this presentation (which can be accessed via this link) considers the policy options available and outlines research into the effectiveness and limitations of green growth, the green new deal and nature based solutions both at a global and local level.
Presenter: Rick Stafford - Professor of Marine Biology and Conservation - Bournemouth University
As well as considering the scale of the crisis this presentation (which can be accessed via this link) considers the policy options available and outlines research into the effectiveness and limitations of green growth, the green new deal and nature based solutions both at a global and local level.
Presenter: Rick Stafford - Professor of Marine Biology and Conservation - Bournemouth University
![]() What can businesses do?
This comprehensive presentation considers not just the climate crisis but the fundamental question of how 10 billion people can live in harmony and peace, equitably by 2050. Exploring what sustainablity means, how our economy has developed, it outlines how and why businesses need to play their part and how none of us can afford to 'go back to normal' Presenter Gwyn Jones: Co-founder Bournemouth University Social Enterprise Forum (BUSEF) & Director Association of Sustainable Practitioners |
![]() Dorset Declares
The penultimate presentation was a call to action addressed to the leaders of businesses, organisations and community groups across the county. The presentation set out why to declare, how to declare and how to develop plans that, working together, can help us solve the climate crisis across the county and how this new platform can act as a catalyst for connecting. Presenter: Michael Hancock - Climate Action Partnerships |
Developing a vision
The event closed with the inspiring video IMAGINE THE FUTURE with climate activist Xiye Bastida from Mexico which sets out simply but powerfully how we can get to net zero with known technology if we take the actions required. This video can be found below.
The event closed with the inspiring video IMAGINE THE FUTURE with climate activist Xiye Bastida from Mexico which sets out simply but powerfully how we can get to net zero with known technology if we take the actions required. This video can be found below.